It's just all a big hullabalo...about nothing!??

Thursday 15 September 2011

Grateful for Little things

Everyone is human right?? Or at least I want to think that we all are. Though lately I've been forced to think that not everyone is as human as the next person, or as me perhaps. I believe in the little things and pleasures in life, things that I would think make any ordinary human being smile inside. I want to believe that the little things count more than the bigger ones, for instance, I am grateful for the moment those first drops of rain hit the ground. The smell that comes from the earth is amazing, comforting and all ways beautiful. I tend to think that this is a very humane feeling that we all have, appreciating nature and its quiet beauty, that is, but then you find people who could care less about it and I don't see what I see.

I am grateful for the little things life has taught me so far, since I haven't lived that long and I know life has a few more tricks up its sleeve for me. And generally I know that we have no choice over the things that happen to us..I have accepted this fact, so I am willing to try to be more appreciative of anything and everything that comes my way. I may not see the point of them right now but I will try and be grateful for it nonetheless. For every tough lesson, also known as a "mistake", I have had to go through and happy moments I have been blessed to have, I am grateful for them all. They have in their own special way moulded, shaped and crafted me into the "far-from-perfect-work-in-progress" that I am today. I know I am bound to find other little things (and big ones) that will redefine this unperfect me but for now I want to share my edited (shorter) list of "Gratefuls".

1. Grateful for the family I was born into. I could have been born into an entirely different one and God gave me the priviledge of growing up in mine.

2. Grateful for my brother. Period.

3. Grateful for new found friends and even more for old ones who still exist.

4. Grateful for a hot shower and a cold pillow at the end of a long day.

5. Grateful for the moments when I am thinking about a song and it plays on the radio.

6. Grateful for a meaningful hug when its needed most.

7. Grateful for every morning I wake up alive.

8. Grateful for that super strength that all women and mothers seem to possess (which I hope I'll find within me somtime soon)

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